How Barrington Saunders Professional Services can help you and your business with safe contractor registration

  • Provide suitable policies, procedures, method statements and training to ensure your business is compliant with the Safety Schemes in Procurement ‘Core Criteria for the Demonstration of organisational capability Assessment’
  • Provide a Health and Safety Competent Person service if required, for the safe contractor schemes application and registration requirements
  • Assist in the application process for registration with the Safety Management Advisory Services, SafeContractor and, or The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme


Our dedicated team of qualified IOSH, IIRSM and OSHCR registered health and safety professionals have years of experience, and can successfully help you and your business in the following areas of health and safety management;

  • Provide guidance and strategies to reduce risk of exposure to health and safety prosecution.
  • Provide guidance and strategies to reduce risk of HSE fines under the HSE Fee For Intervention Scheme for material breach of health and safety law.
  • Provide guidance and strategies to reduce risk of accidents and injuries which can be disruptive and expensive.
  • Provide guidance and strategies for compliance with health and safety law.
  • Provide professional advice and support during any pre and post HSE or Local Authority health and safety inspection(s).
  • Provide professional support and advice if an Improvement or Prohibition Notice has been issued.
  • Provide health and safety policies and procedures that reflect statutory instruments, case law and recognised standards of industry best practice.
  • Provide assistance with Pre-Qualification Questionnaires for contracting and tendering.
  • Provide a Health and Safety Competent Person Service.
  • Provide professional support and advice in all areas of health and safety risk management.
  • Conduct evidence based risk assessments of your business to identify hazards and risks so that protective and preventative measures can be implemented to reduce risk of prosecution.
  • Formulate a business Risk Register.
  • Provide health and safety and risk management training to your key staff.
  • Provide a 7 day a week health and safety consultancy service to you and your business to give total peace of mind.

What you can do now

Select which health and safety service you require from the health and safety services menu, and either call 0208 2052771 or email to discuss your business requirements

Keep up to date with the latest health and safety standards, case law, statutory instruments, best practice guidelines and weekly prosecutions by signing up to our Newsletter
Speak to one of our health and safety professionals by calling 0208 2052771 in complete confidence.
Send us an email to specifying what health and safety service you require and one of our team will contact you to help.

All content is the Copyright of Barrington Saunders Ltd Professional Services

All Content is the copyright of Barrington Saunders Ltd Professional Services

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